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Dia-Root Bio Sealer – Bioceramic Pat

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $30.00.

(In Stock)

SKU: 7DR981JA07UQ Category:


BioCeramic Root Canal Sealer

Description: DIA-ROOT BIO SEALER is a pre-mixed bio-ceramic calcium silicate-based MTA sealer. Its non-shrinking property and strong bonding ability make it an excellent sealer for permanent obturation and suitable for all obturation techniques with gutta-percha.

Features and Benefits:

  • High Biocompatibility: Rapid healing and tissue repair without causing inflammation. Releases Calcium Ions – Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Silicate Hydrate trigger tissue regeneration in areas with bone lesions and microbial activity.
  • Excellent Seal: Superior adhesion between gutta-percha points and dentin with perfect sealing for multiple and lateral root canals. Long-term stability without shrinkage/expansion.
  • Low Solubility: Provides excellent sealing capability within root canals due to low solubility (0.95%). Resistant to washing, prevents microleakage.
  • Optimal Flow: Flow rate of 22 mm: Ensures complete apical sealing. High flow rate and low film thickness enable easy penetration into lateral and accessory canals.
  • Pre-mixed, Pre-filled Syringe: Ready-to-use formula for easy, convenient, and fast application.
  • Adequate Working/Setting Time: 6 hours: Sufficient time for use by expert and general dentists.
  • Easy Storage: Can be stored and used for up to 6 months after opening. Minimizes material waste, does not harden easily.
  • Excellent Radiopacity: 8.1 mm

Instructions for Use (Single Cone Technique):

  1. Prepare and dry the root canal.
  2. Slowly fill the root canal with DIA-ROOT BIO SEALER up to the coronal third of the canal.
  3. Place the selected gutta-percha cone and gently pump the GP cone up and down in the root canal to fill the apex.
  4. Cut the master cone at the desired level with DUO-PEN/heat source and remove excess sealer from the root canal.
  5. Complete canal treatment.

Instructions for Use (Obturation System Technique):

  1. Prepare and dry the root canal.
  2. Slowly fill the root canal with DIA-ROOT BIO SEALER up to the coronal third of the canal.
  3. Place the selected gutta-percha cone and gently pump the GP cone up and down in the root canal to fill the apex.
  4. Cut the master cone at the desired level with DUO-PEN.
  5. Condense the gutta-percha cone with DUO-PEN, extrude molten gutta-percha, and fill the canal with DUO-GUN.
  6. Complete canal treatment.


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